Located in Penvern, the Notre-Dame de Cîteaux Chapel, among the oldest in the area, is worth the detour for the magnificent altarpiece which it houses. Its paintings and sculptures are a superb example of Renaissance art. On your way to the chapel, you will pass near the fountain, which was reputed to have the power to cure certain ailments.
In the area around CozPors bay, you can see many unusually-shaped pink granite rocks. Have you seen the white statue standing on top of the granite rock formations above the Marine Aquarium? Dubbed... See
Walking by Sainte Anne Bay, you will discover an area rich in history and spirituality. Well before the construction of Sainte-Anne des Rochers Chapel in 1636, the area was home to several religious... See
Probably dating from the third millennium B.C., Prajou-Menhir is the largest of the gallery graves in Trébeurden. It measures 14.5 metres in length and is made up of seven stone slabs. Did you know... See
In the sixteenth century, the lords of Lannion ordered the chapel to be built near to a sacred fountain. The building was enlarged at the start of the eighteenth century by the De Launay-Nevet... See