In the area around CozPors bay, you can see many unusually-shaped pink granite rocks. Have you seen the white statue standing on top of the granite rock formations above the Marine Aquarium? Dubbed "Jésus sauveur du monde" (Jesus, saviour of the world) when it was built in 1869, it has since been nicknamed "Le Père Éternel" (the Eternal Father). Painted white, this statue served as a seamark for sailors.
The guardhouse, TyGward in Breton, is an imposing block of granite which stands at the highest point of Île Grande. Right around the periphery of the island, grey and blue granite was mined for... See
The pink granite lighthouse stands in the middle of the chaotic rock formations formed by the erosion of cooled magma then shaped by the rain, salty sea spray and wind. Its name, "phare de Mean Ruz",... See
The bay of Trestraou was at the root of the development of tourism in Perros-Guirec. In the nineteenth century, swimming in the sea was recognised for its curative qualities and became fashionable.... See
If you visit this spot at low tide, you will be able to see two types of rocks juxtaposed. The gneiss of Trébeurden is the older rock as it goes back more than two billion years. It is recognisable... See